Our City Hong Kong 我們的香港
30年來,這「東方之珠」產生巨大變化。以家庭和社會情況來看,離婚率急劇上升,結婚率卻持續下降。在 2011年,平均每天有 54 對夫妻成功離婚。
家庭暴力個案亦持續上升、傳統倫常觀念改變、社會資源分配不公、貧富懸殊,平均每七個香港人,一個屬貧窮。全港貧窮人口高達 119 萬,政府財政儲蓄及外匯基金卻累積高達三萬億,世界之冠,官富民窮,十分荒謬,社會中、下階層充滿怨氣。
筆者利用過去多年拍攝的相片,選取約 28 幅,加上數張網上照片,配上 1986 年法國電影 Betty Blue 的主題音樂 Betty Et Zorg 製作了一 music video,表達我們的香港。
該音樂由著名的法國音樂人 Gabriel Yared (1949 - )創作。
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回覆刪除Nepalese children look contented and happy although they are not rich. It is an exotic beautiful country.
For Paul, I think chemical teamwork made their great success, and they were at the musical peak in the 1960's, indeed.
yes, but the capitaliste system is still the best system in the world that can work. till now, all other systems creat other economic as well as social & moral problems. human beings are just so limited.
回覆刪除Capitalistic system with true democracy maybe the best system so far in the world. Hope you like this film soundtrack too.