In Memory of Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn was born on the 4th of May 1929, in Belgium.

This simple MV slideshow is in memory of her, my idol who is forever elegant, charming ,demure and beautiful. Her "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is my favorite. She sang the theme song "Moonriver" in that movie, quite pleasing and lovely.

#audreyhepburn #柯德莉夏萍



灰飛煙滅的三幢深具歷史價值的歐陸中古式堡壘豪宅 – 「余仁生」創辦人長子余東璇的「余園建築」和傳奇

重看英國經典《兩小無猜》(Melody) 有感