
目前顯示的是 11月, 2016的文章

旅遊人生多面睇 - 23/11/16 「特備節目」

接受網台"城寨"的邀請,談旅遊、瀬戶內國際藝術祭、旅遊寫作人、travel blogger及旅遊的意義等

Setouchi Art Festival 2016_瀬戶內藝術祭2016

My dedication to Seto Islands, Seto Inland Sea and Japan. Beautiful islands, sea, people and country. Special thanks: 日本國家旅遊局 (JNTO) www.welcome2japan.hk HK Express. Without the above 2 organisations' sponsorship, this wonderful would not have been possible. Most grateful.
  こんにちは   久保田 さh (Konnichiwa Ms Kubota) Dear Saya, How’s life treating you recently? I hope this email finds you well. It was so nice meeting with you at the missing-post-office on Awashima during the “Setouchi Art Festival 2016”, definitely also my pleasure to introduce this special post-office to Hong Kong people via the newspaper “am730” I am writing for. I would like to share with you the interesting story with twists behind our first meeting on 9 October 2016 (Sunday), hoping you enjoy reading this background story. I firstly heard about the missing-post-office from a Hong Kong newspaper “Apple Daily in July (please see the photo 1). The concept behind this office impressed me much as it is not an ordinary post office. People cannot send letters via it, but they can send letters commemorating those dead or expressing missing messages to their friends to this post office. The idea may come from the classical “Message in the Bottle”. This aroused my inter...
奇幻知性 瀨戶內 日本14天行: “瀨戶內秋季國際藝術祭及四國之旅" 上周介紹過瀨戶內海幾個小島的美術館及藝術裝置,其實小豆島和大島也各具特色。較香港大嶼山略大的小豆島,擁有最吸引遊客的希臘式白色風車,以及充滿創意的奇幻迷宮,可以讓你玩過痛快;大島則在過往數十年都是隔離及治療痲瘋病人的寧靜小島,帶悲情又連繫日本社會發展,完全是感性和知性旅程的結合。上述兩島也是「瀨戶內國際藝術祭2016(秋季)」(至本月6日)的重要部分,節日完結後,大部分展館仍開放,可以漫遊。 文、圖:Timothy ( https://timothyfan.blogspot.hk ) 鳴謝:日本國家旅遊局(JNTO) www.welcome2japan.hk 、HK Express    小豆島橄欖公園遇上《魔女宅急便》 蔚藍天空下的小豆島橄欖公園,絕對是「萬人迷」,.... 全文閱讀: http://archive.am730.com.hk/article-335395